Lisa Rosenkrantz
Something tangible to leave for grandchildren to support their Jewish journey should they choose to embark on it
Lisa Rosenkrantz and her husband Michael Walsh joined Temple Israel when they first moved to Ottawa, in July 1981.
“We knew no one,” says Lisa, who grew up in the Reform tradition in Hamilton. “However, within a few weeks, we had a phone call from Debbie and Gary Viner, asking us to Shabbat dinner as new Temple members, and so the adventure with Temple family began.”
Over 40 years, she has appreciated how the Temple community has “lived up to the Jewish commitment to the covenant.”
“‘We will do and we will understand’,” she quotes Parashat Mishpatim. “Through the birth of our children, their education, supporting Michael in becoming a Jew by choice, Jewish wedding, bar mitzvahs, support while learning about being a mohelet… Through it all I have met some amazing people and opened the door to my spiritual life.”
Lisa Rosenkrantz became involved with Temple life “because I was asked – and then I got excited and kept saying yes.” “I was the ritual chair, chair of the music committee, and the prayer book committee. I have sat on the board and taught specific topics in the religious school. Michael and I participated in the Temple trip to Israel.”
Dr. Rosenkrantz is among the Temple members who have signed a Letter of Intent for Temple’s Life and Legacy program. She says she did so because a number of years ago, “there was a conference asking the question ‘will our grandchildren be Jewish?’ With that in mind, knowing that we have no control over our children’s choices, we wanted something tangible to leave for our grandchildren, that would support their Jewish journey, should they choose to embark on it.”
“This is a program that is simply asking for a commitment, no money at the moment,” she explains. “There is money involved of course. This program has been leveraged by a well-established philanthropic organization, that is putting action into the words. They are giving money to organizations who are able to reach out and secure commitments, as Temple meets certain thresholds. And they are giving money, now. So generous, and so I feel that we can be generous with our commitments.