Margo Rosen
Ensuring the Temple experience for future generations.
As the daughter of founding members of Temple Israel, Life & Legacy committee chair Margo Rosen has experienced every facet and life cycle event at Temple.
“Temple Israel is in my bones, my heart and soul,” says Margo, who has a signed a Letter of Intent for Temple’s Life & Legacy program. “My daughter Lisa is a member, and my grandkids Levi and Lila attend the Temple school. That is four generations of my family!”
Margo delivered a D’var Torah on March 17, 2018, almost 50 years since her Bat Mitzvah, and during Temple’s 50th Anniversary celebrations.
When Margo’s parents Irv and Elaine Singer and family arrived in Ottawa in 1964, the synagogues were either orthodox or conservative. “As a 4th generation HBTer, I attended Holy Blossom Temple services and religious school where I was consecrated. My folks were committed to the tenants of Reform Judaism and met with Rabbi Plaut before heading east. He told them to join a synagogue – but not to wait too long to start a Reform congregation.”
“Wherever Irv and Elaine went, we kids were in tow. If you read about the history of Temple Israel, you can easily insert ‘Margo’ into most of it.
Temple Israel came to be in December 1966 with just five families. Rabbi Powell became the rabbi in the summer of 1967 and within the year membership grew to over 50.
“Our religious school opened in September 1967, and I was one-month shy of turning 13. Since I hadn’t had formal Jewish education for a couple of years, my Bat Mitzvah was delayed until March 1968 to coincide with my grandparents’ 40th wedding anniversary.”
Over more than 50 years of Temple life, Margo attended religious school and was confirmed, taught grade 5 in the school, had a great time as a NFTYite, and married her much loved husband Frank in the sanctuary. They had baby naming ceremonies at Temple for their daughters, Lisa and Natalie, and the girls followed their mother’s footsteps through TIRS and NELFTY.
“We have enjoyed hundreds of Shabbat family dinners and holiday celebrations with friends and family both at Temple and at our home and said goodbye to my parents in this sanctuary.”
As the fourth generation of the Rosen family attends Temple Israel, “my commitment is for Reform Judaism to continue in Ottawa for future generations” she pledges. “Please join me!”