Shabbat with Rabbi Orit Rozenblit

08 Mar @ 5:30 pm - 09 Mar @ 12:00 am

Since 2020, we have been building our relation to Congregation Poteach Shearim in Northern Israel. We look to Rabbi Orit Rozenblit as a member of our extended family. Rabbi Rozenblit is delighted to visit Ottawa and Temple Israel for the first time. She will teach us on both Friday night and Saturday morning, sharing her wisdom of Torah as well as carrying the recent narrative of her community that is currently evacuated from Northern Israel.


Orit Rozenblit was born in Kibbutz Dovrat. Rabbi Rozenblit has specialized in building, mentoring and teaching Beit Midrash groups for any age ranging from Young Adults to senior citizens. She is the founder and key educator of “Poteach Shearim” a non-profit Yeshiva for both Secular and Religious Young Adults. Her passion is exploring Jewish texts and finding their relevance for our lives today, which is what set her on her Rabbinic journey. Recently Orit has been ordained as Rabbi and is currently writing her PhD in Mishna commentary.


*Shabbat Friday will be a potluck (March 8th)