A milestone in the life of a Jewish person is the celebration of a B- Mitzvah. This traditionally represents entering adulthood, as in recognizing the great potential of the honouree to do mitzvot and assume a leadership role.
A B- Mitzvah generally includes reading from Torah and Haftarah, offering a D’var Torah (teaching) and leading the congregation in prayer.
At Temple Israel we pride ourselves in celebrating as a communal family this important rite. Over our history we have cherished many B-Mitzvahs for children with special needs. We hold our B-Mitzvahs at the Temple as part of our Shabbat morning services.
Temple Israel Religious School supports students in their B-Mitzvah journey. The Grade 7 B’nai Mitzvah Year: “Me, My Judaism, My Community” is broken up into 3 focus areas of study:
- B-Mitzvah Boot Camp: A great opportunity for students to sharpen their understanding of the deeper meaning of the synagogue service.
- Holocaust: An in-depth study of the Holocaust.
- Jewish Identity – Seventh grade is often a time of searching for self-understanding. We will explore what becoming a Jewish adult really means.
- It’s Never Too Late – Do You Want an Adult B-Mitzvah?
Often we celebrate B- Mitzvah’s at the age of 13, but we can alternatively do so at a later stage or even as an adult.